【In Japan Only】 Free Manga Tracts for Evangelism!

free manga tract


Reach the people of Japan through Manga!

Right now, we are offering free tracts such as The Messiah to churches and individuals in Japan for evangelism purposes! Please take advantage of this special opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus, the Bread of Life, and take part in this project!
Request Manga

Choose from 3 different tracts:

There are three types of tracts we can offer!

The Messiah

The Messiah (Japanese)

The life of Jesus as presented in the Gospels, faithfully rendered and powerfully depicted through the medium of Manga. (Abbreviated Version of Manga Messiah)
*Only the Japanese version is available.
(Full color A5 size / 64 pages)
Click here for a sample of The Messiah (Japanese)

The Mutiny

NEW!The Mutiny (Japanese)

The creation of the world, Adam and Eve, and the story of Moses beautifully visualized in Manga.(Excerpt of Manga Mutiny)
*Only the Japanese version is available.
(Full color A5 size / 64 pages)
Click here for a sample of The Mutiny (Japanese)

The Majesty

NEW!The Majesty (Japanese)

Just one small portion of the grand drama of the Book of Revelation that comes to life as the end of the world is shown to the Apostle John. (Excerpt of Manga Majesty)
*Only the Japanese version is available.
(Full color A5 size / 32 pages)
Click here for a sample of The Majesty (Japanese)

Easy-to-mail options are also available!

optionYou can order clear OPP(plastic) bags and church information flyers (Japanese only) together with the manga as an option (free of charge).
The flyer can be stamped with a church stamp and placed in an OPP bag along with the manga.
Usage image
If you enclose them in the OPP bag, you can easily distribute them by postal mail! Please consider using them together!

*The distributor is responsible for putting the booklets in the OPP bag and imprinting information on the flyer. It is also possible to order the manga only. If you wish to order with the additional options, the number will be the same as the tracts.

You can choose from (1) 10 tracts, (2) 20 tracts, (3) 100 tracts, or (4) 200 tracts.
*We are currently limiting the number of copies of The Messiah for distribution due to a very low stock. We will inform you as soon as we are able to print more copies.
Request Manga

Why is it free?

We are grateful to announce that this project has been made possible by the support of those who have a desire to evangelize in Japan.
Therefore, we are able to offer everything free of charge, including the tract, the additional options, and the shipping cost!
We hope you will take this opportunity to use it for your evangelizing ministries!

Who can order?

Any Christian living in Japan who intends to distribute the tracts for the purpose of evangelism (orders for sales purposes are strictly prohibited).
If you need to let your neighbors know about your church, need tracts to distribute during street evangelism, hand out to friends and people you know, or to children who come to church,etc. Please feel free to take advantage of this offer!


Application Form

Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. If we run out of the initial stock, you may have to wait until the next printing.
The maximum number of copies per order is 200.

*Orders accepted by contacting the number below also.
[Missions Department(Japanese only): 049-296-0706 Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00 (except 12:00-13:00)]


    Last Name
    First name

    Delivery address

    *This campaign is only available to those living in Japan.

    *7 single-digit numbers without hyphens


    Phone number

    E-mail address

    RequiredPlease enter again for confirmation

    Name of your church

    Required Number of items to order

    The Messiah (Japanese)

    The Mutiny (Japanese)

    The Majesty (Japanese)

    Option (OPP bag and flyer for printing)

    [group group-255 clear_on_hide inline]

    Easter version sample
    *Limited time only, ends while supplies last.
    Regular version sample

    • Please enclose the OPP bags and imprint the flyers for yourself.

    • Please note that we cannot accept orders with only the option (no manga), although we can accept orders for only the manga.

    How did you hear about this campaign?

    Please fill in any other requests or information.

    Sign up for our free e-mail magazine (English)Sign up for our free newsletter (in Japanese) (We will send it to the address you provided above)
    *If you do not wish to subscribe, please uncheck the box. You can unsubscribe at any time after registration.
    *When you click the "Send" button, the form will be sent. Please check your information once again to make sure it is correct.

    If you are unable to subscribe because of an error message when trying to send the form above, please contact us at the following number below.
    Phone# (Japanese only): 049-296-0706 Mission Department: Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00 (except 12:00-13:00)
    If you would like to contact us in English, please e-mail us →Contact Us

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