Take “The Messiah” Challenge and get 2 Free Manga Books!

Read The Messiah and fill out the study guide and receive 2 Manga books free!
Keep one for yourself and give one to a friend!

Just 3 Simple Steps!



Try “The Messiah” Study Guide

Please fill in the form below. We will then send you copies of The Messiah and the study guide, free of charge!

    Application form

    Are you applying for an individual or an Organization?

    Only one set is orderable for individuals * Please call (049-296-0727) if you would like more than one set.

    Required Name


    Required Address

     * No hyphen


    City / Street Number / Building Name / Room Number

    Required Email


    Please note that the workbook set is only available in Japanese at this time.

    Required Who will participate in the challenge?

    Required Organization Name

    Optional Affiliation

     For churches

    Required Person in charge


    Required Address

     * No hyphen


    City / Street Number / Building Name / Room Number

    Required Email

    Required Number of copies to order

    Up to 1 set per child for Churches and Organizations
    Please enter 0 for 0 copies

    * The form will be sent as is. Please check again for any mistakes before sending.

    • This challenge is available to those residing in Japan (Japanese and English).
    • The materials will be shipped within 1-2 business days (* excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays).
    • The Messiah Challenge” is for elementary to high school students.

    Once you receive “The Messiah” Challenge Study Guide Set, start the challenge!


    Get 2 Mangas!

    Finish Lesson 1 in the Study Guide and send us the Entry Form in order to receive your 2 Mangas!

    One is for yourself, the other is for a friend!
    You can choose your Manga from 5 different types!
    Click here for details on the books of manga you can choose

    • Your friend’s Manga will be Manga Messiah
    • The Entry Form can be accessed from the Study Guide

    Complete steps 2-6 of the Study Guide

    After you receive the Manga, try finishing Lessons 2 ~ 6!

    After finishing the whole Study Guide, send us the Premium Completion Form to recieve a Completion Certificate!
    Take the Challenge!

    If you are in Grade 3 elementary school or lower, Please get permission from a grown up before taking the Challenge.
    Now, let’s walk in Jesus’ footsteps!
    “My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart” Proverbs 3:1

    ▶ Take the Challenge!

      • This challenge is for elementary to high school children.
      • This challenge is available to those residing in Japan (Japanese and English).
      • Each participant can only participate once.
      • This project is limited to a total of 5,000 participants. We ask for your understanding.
      • We are continually seeking donations for this project. More details can be found HERE.


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