Lahu Bible Testimonies


Bibles printed in the Lahu language by New Life Ministries are currently being distributed by our mission partners.
Lahu is the language spoken by the Lahu tribe, a hill tribe living in Myanmar, Yunnan Province (China), Thailand, and Laos.
We have received testimonies from two people in Thailand who have received their Bibles.


From a Sorcerer to a Pastor

Pastor A

Thank you so much for the Bible

My name is A. Thank you very much for giving us Bibles.
This is very good for our church members, because we don’t need to purchase it. It’s free. Most of our people could not afford a Bible if it were for sale. And it’s hard to even find a Bible for sale. God bless you and all those who gave these Bibles.
These Bibles are very good for us, because it’s not only the word of God, but we can use the hymns in the back to praise God.

Days Gripped By Hopelessness and Fear

I come from an animist village in Burma. I was the witch doctor. When someone got sick, I was invited to use my crafts and rituals.
I would kill a chicken or a pig and sacrifice it to the evil spirits in hopes that the spirits would leave the people alone. Sometimes people got better. But sometimes the people died. The animist people have to pay a lot of money for the witchcraft, and we always have to kill a lot of animals and sometimes there was no help.
It was a hopeless lifestyle. I also felt much fear. I could do the rituals for a family, but I was too afraid to stand in front of a crowd of people. I was shy. I was tired of the animist lifestyle.

Peace At Last

Then one day a Christian missionary from the Karen tribe came into our village in Burma and shared Jesus Christ with us.
I was ready for a change and I needed hope, so I received Jesus at that time. The missionary gave me a Lahu New Testament Bible. I read it many times. I read it daily and it changed my life. My fears left and I became bolder. For the first time in my life I had a heartfelt peace and happiness. I had hope in Christ for life and eternity.
Then war came to our area of Burma. We had to leave our homes and everything and run for our lives. It was no longer safe to live on our land, so we came to Thailand to start a new life.
One time my wife got a kidney stone. We could not afford the doctor, so we prayed to Jesus, and suddenly my wife had no more pain. She was healed. Praise God.
In Thailand I started attending Christian seminars and conferences for Bible training. Finally, God called me into the ministry, and now for years I have been pastoring at this church. Glory to God.


From a Drug-Addicted Life

Pastor B

Days Without Hope

My name is B. I am 58 years old. I pastor Mae Vaw Church in Doi Sakhet near Chiang Mai, Thailand. I was raised as an animist.
My parents always had to sacrifice our farm animals to appease the evil spirits.
We were not rich, so this was always a sacrifice for my family. I didn’t like the spirits.
When I was a teenager, some friends introduced me to drugs. I tried them, and in a short time I was addicted. But I liked them. I felt better when I was on drugs. I used drugs well into my adult years.

Encounter with Christ

About ten years ago I attended a Christian evangelistic meeting in my village.
It was an open air meeting where they shared about Jesus. Before this meeting I had never heard anything about God before. But the more I listened to the preaching the more the Holy Spirit worked in my heart and revealed the truth about God.
I was a sinner who needed forgiveness to get to heaven. And Jesus was that way to heaven. Finally the evangelist gave an altar call and I went forward to accept Christ.

After this I attended a small group Bible study. Only the leader had a Bible, but he shared many scriptures so we could learn.
I was hungry for the word of God, so if there was a conference or a pastor’s seminar, I would attend. I learned more about the Gospel this way.

True Freedom

At one conference I was given a New Testament. I was so excited and I read it a lot. The word of God is powerful and it empowered me to break my drug addiction.
This was about ten years ago. After getting free, my faith in Jesus increased and I wanted others to hear about Jesus, so I began to be an evangelist.
I went to non-Christian villages to share Jesus.

One time I was in a family’s home sharing Christ. They wanted to hear more about Jesus, so they invited me to have dinner with them. As we ate I shared, and then their daughter started manifesting demons.
So I prayed over her and command the demons to leave in the name of Jesus, and Jesus set her free. Later my church asked me to be their pastor.
I was honored to be able to teach the word in the church. But I only had a New Testament. But today you have given me and all my members a full Lahu Bible with the hymnal.
We are so blessed and thankful to God and to you. I believe we will all grow in Christ, because of your love gift to us. Thank you and God bless you!

We thank the Lord that Bibles printed by New Life Ministries are being delivered and used in lands far away.
We also thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your dedication for these purposes.
Please remember to pray for our brothers and sisters and for our mission partners who are working in the field.

‣Please read this article below as well.


Online Giving

For donations originating from Japan and non-North American countries.

For donations originating from Canada and the U.S.A.

  • Donations can be made using these Credit/Debit cards
  • Donations will be processed by our ministry partner, GLINTS, using the DonorSnap System
  • Gifts given through our U.S. partner are tax deductible (U.S. only)
  • Please add a note in the comments section of the donate page if you want your gift to go to a specific project.
  • Non-designated funds will be allocated to the project where it is most needed.
  • Click here to review our three current ministry projects.

New Life Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry committed to serving the Lord by printing and sending Bibles and Gospel literature to Japan and the rest of the world, in each people group’s heart language.
Beginning in 1954, under the name New Life League, the ministry reached out to children, provided Gospel literature, and did evangelism through radio broadcast.
Later on, the work shifted more to the collection and printing of Gospel literature as the main focus.
Throughout history, there has always been a call for the supply of Bibles, and New Life Ministries has continued to do all that it can to meet the demand. Our purpose is to see Japan changed for Jesus, and that the whole world be filled with His precious Word.

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