Manga in the Middle East: Second Report

Manga Messiah brings a message of Hope中東レポート2

Last October, 25,000 copies of the Manga Messiah Arabic arrived in the Middle East, with a portion of the books going to displaced Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

難民キャンプ Tent_Love ダンス

Children are able to enjoy games and dancing in the ‘Tent of Love’, a meeting place in the refugee camp.

名前を書いてもらう 熱心に読むWhen the manga is given out to each child, their names are written in it. 祈る母子

Even now, so many Syrian refugees are traveling a huge distance to Europe to escape their war-torn country. We are now raising funds to send the Manga Messiah Arabic books to European countries for the Syrian refugees there. Please consider giving toward this continued outreach of love to the Syrian refugees.





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