On the Press: Bible Printing Report September-October


Thank you for always keeping our ministry in your hearts.
For those who are in need of the Word of God, New Life Ministries continues to print a number of Bibles in various languages in the upcoming months.
Here are some of the Bibles we plan to print in September and October 2022.
Please remember and keep us in your prayers.

Bible Printing Report

Ukrainian Bible

Ukrainian Bible

This year, New Life Ministries printed and sent 25,000 Ukrainian New Testaments as relief supplies to war-affected areas.
These Bibles have already arrived in Ukraine and are being distributed.
In response to further requests from the Ukrainian Bible Society, New Life Ministries has decided to print an addition 110,000 Ukrainian Bibles.

We will be discussing about this more in a separate article.
Of the 110,000 copies, the Ukrainian Bible Society will cover the cost of 50,000 copies and we will cover the cost of 60,000 copies. The cost is US$2.70 (about 400 yen) per copy including shipping, so the total amount needed is tremendous, more than US$160,000 (about 23 million yen).
With the cost of the 25,000 Bibles printed previously not met yet, taking on this new project in addition is a challenge from the Lord. But we believe it is a great opportunity to fulfill our mission by faith. Please remember to pray especially for this project.

The Nukuoro Bible, a language of Micronesia

Nukuoro Bible

Nukuoro is a minority language spoken on Nukuoro Atoll (circular Coral Reef) and Pohnpei Island in the Caroline Islands, which belong to the Pohnpei State of the Federated States of Micronesia.
Due to the small number of speakers, only 750 copies are planned to be printed, but they will be valuable Nukuoro Bibles as the first in this language.

The Messiah

Manga The Messiah (English Edition) Goes to Africa

A project to send and distribute one million copies of The Messiah to Africa has begun.

The books will be distributed in African countries through mission partner Scripture Union (an international, interdenominational organization that is active in more than 140 countries).
As a first step, 5,000 copies for each of the four countries (Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and Malawi) will be printed in September, a total of 20,000 copies.

Romanian Bible and Serbian Bible

Romanian and Serbian Bible

15,000 copies of each will be printed in October.
We will distribute for free to those seeking the Word in Romania and Serbia through our mission partners in Eastern Europe who are sharing the Word in various languages.

Burmese Bible image

Burmese Bible

We printed and shipped 68,000 Burmese Bibles in July, but in addition we plan to print another 20,000 copies in October for another mission partner.
Through our mission partner in Thailand, they will be distributed for free to those who do not have a Bible.

Bibles for Persecuted People in Different Countries

At the end of last year, we printed 200,000 books for persecuted people in certain countries (details of which we cannot provide), and another 55,000 books were printed in September.
And about 100,000 more are planned to be printed by the end of this year.
They will be distributed by local mission partners.

From the bottom of our hearts, we are truly thankful that we can be involved in these many wonderful projects.

Please remember and keep us in your prayers, that printing and transportation will be protected and that the Bibles will be delivered safely, that local distribution ministries will be protected, and that they will be put into people’s hand and put to good use!
We are in a very difficult situation, due to the war in Ukraine and COVID, the costs of fuel, paper, electricity, and shippinghave greatly increased recently.
Please remember us in your prayers and thank you for your continuous support for this ministry.


Online Giving

For donations originating from Japan and non-North American countries.

For donations originating from Canada and the U.S.A.

  • Donations can be made using these Credit/Debit cards
  • Donations will be processed by our ministry partner, GLINTS, using the DonorSnap System
  • Gifts given through our U.S. partner are tax deductible (U.S. only)
  • Please add a note in the comments section of the donate page if you want your gift to go to a specific project.
  • Non-designated funds will be allocated to the project where it is most needed.
  • Click here to review our three current ministry projects.

New Life Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry committed to serving the Lord by printing and sending Bibles and Gospel literature to Japan and the rest of the world, in each people group’s heart language.
Beginning in 1954, under the name New Life League, the ministry reached out to children, provided Gospel literature, and did evangelism through radio broadcast.
Later on, the work shifted more to the collection and printing of Gospel literature as the main focus.
Throughout history, there has always been a call for the supply of Bibles, and New Life Ministries has continued to do all that it can to meet the demand. Our purpose is to see Japan changed for Jesus, and that the whole world be filled with His precious Word.

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