“The Messiah” Challenge Begins!

What is “The Messiah” Challenge

This project aims to provide two Manga Bibles to the children who have read The Messiah and filled out the corresponding study guide, which offers a fun and engaging experience while learning the four Gospels of the Bible. Through this workbook, children can deepen their understanding of the Gospel of the Cross while having fun at the same time. By giving the Manga Messiah they have won, we are giving an opportunity for children to evangelize to their friends.

COVID-19 and its Effect on Children

The effects of COVID-19 have caused a world-wide pandemic affecting more than 8 million people. Although the mortality rate in Japan is considered to be one of the lowest in the world, more than 17,000 cases of infections have been confirmed. The impact of the virus has put a major strain on societal functions causing people to become isolated.

But, we could say that the most affected are the children who struggle with loneliness every day, repressing their feelings in the midst of this confusion and fear.
The Japan Times stated in an article on April 27, “Children are the quiet victims of the Coronavirus.”Many children in Japan now suffer from the loss of daily safety and peace, but this can easily go unnoticed.

During the two-and-a-half months of school closure, it is difficult to say that the children had adequate care during the emotional turbulence they have experienced.They have to deal with the stress of loneliness without understanding why they have to be in such a situation.

In the current situation, children face anxieties about their health and have to spend their days with a lot of stress given so many unknowns.
“The Messiah” Challenge project was designed to be a bridge of hope for children in these circumstances.

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About “The Messiah” and the Study Guide

The Messiah is a manga depicting the life of Jesus in the Gospels of the Bible. This is a 64-page digest of the Manga Messiah issued by New Life Ministries.
It is rendered in colorful Manga artwork to give readers a vicarious experience as they read through the stories.
It is not usually released for free, but we have released a special free WEB version for a limited time for children in this emergency.

▶ READ The Messiah HERE

In line with this, we have worked with mission partners in order to develop a study guide to further explore this story. We have re-edited the study guide for this campaign.

It is a curriculum designed to gain an understanding of the Gospel by completing each lesson while reading The Messiah. Even if you don’t have a Bible at home, you can read The Messiah and finish the workbook.

How to Participate

“The Messiah” Challenge is intended to reach out to children with the Word of God in the midst of the on-going pandemic. The participant will access the online version of the manga booklet The Messiah (in Japanese or English) found on NLM’s website, while at the same time downloading and going through the study guide either online or by simply downloading copies for at-home printing. After completing the guide, the participant will send their impressions of the project through the NLM website in order to win a total of 2 Manga Bibles, one for themselves (from the 5 volume set), and one for a friend (only the Manga Messiah will be selectable for a friend).
In spite of the distance, this simple act of sending and sharing something beautiful can communicate a lot, that these children are not alone – isolated perhaps, but not alone.
And the act of going through the study guide can help the children process what they are going through right now, and develop in them a sense of hope, that all will be well in Jesus’ timing and through His Grace.

Project Goals

This project is going to be launched in August during the summer break of the children. Our prayer is that we will be able to reach

5,000 kids for a total distribution of 10,000 copies of the Manga Bibles (English and Japanese)

Distribution of the Mangas are planned in the last quarter of the year until Christmas or until we have reached our target.


10,000yen will reach 25 children with the Gospel.

You can be an instrument in channeling peace and hope to these children through this project. We expect to complete the distribution before Christmas 2020.
We will document the project by getting feedback from participating children and presenting all those in a report that will be shared with our donors.
※When donating, please specify “The Messiah Challenge.”

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Future Possibilities

Depending on the success of this maiden run, we might be able to continue to offer this special project through our website so this chain of going through the challenge to learn about Jesus and get copies of the Manga Bibles to share with their friends can continue. It is our prayer that our Lord will use this to empower kids to know about Jesus’ love and thereby, share His message of hope to others.

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