247,000 Bibles and Manga sent to the Caribbean!


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On April 26th and 27th 2023, 187,000 copies of Manga Messiah, Manga Metamorphosis, and Manga Mutiny and 60,000 copies of the Spanish PDT Bible* totaling 247,000 copies, were shipped.
*PDT Bibles: Bibles published with simple vocabulary so many can read easily.
They will be distributed in Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Cuba, Dominican Republic and Honduras.
manga and bibles


Project for kids in the Caribbean

This is a learning project for kids living in the Caribbean islands, through a collaboration between four ministry organizations, Bible League International, Mies Foundation, NEXT and New Life Ministries.

Manga Apps Development

Manga app under developmentWe are also producing a Manga application for this project; Bible League and Mies Foundation are collaborating with an application production company in New Zealand.
This application project targets teens, wherein they can study the Bible in a fun way. When you complete the game in the application, you can receive gifts and Manga Messiahbooks.
During the pandemic, New Life Ministries, released “The Messiah Challenge”, the contents of which became a source of wisdom for this project.

To the children of the Caribbean Sea

Up until now, New Life Ministries have co-operated with Mies Foundation, and printed and sent many Manga books to the kids in the Caribbean.
From 2016 through 2020, we have printed 127,000 copies of Manga Messiah in Spanish.
These projects have had a great impact, even more than we could imagine, and we received a praise report from them.

Here is a link about the recent projects so far:

We are grateful that we could be involved in such a wonderful project this time.
Please pray that the Manga and Bibles sent will be delivered safely, and that this project will be blessed abundantly, so the young souls in Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Cuba, Honduras, and Dominican Republic will come to know the Lord.

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